The Driving Force Behind Global Motor Efficiency
We bring key stakeholders together to help transform the market for electric motors in favour of energy-efficient products.
POLICY ACTIONS to double the efficiency of new industrial motor systems and greatly accelerate the replacement of existing industrial motor systems stock by 2030 COULD MITIGATE 3.4 Gt CO2 EMISSIONS BY 2040 AND 5.1 Gt BY 2050, which is more than the mitigation potential of all other appliance groups combined.
Source: CLASP “Net Zero Heroes”, November 2023

Technical Assistance and
Capacity Building
The MEGA initiative aims to provide these support services to all strategic stakeholders across the following areas:
Policy and Regulation
Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) have proven to be the most effective policy tool for transforming the market for motors to higher efficiencies. Effective monitoring, verification and enforcement mechanisms ensure the savings in money and energy.
Accelerated Replacement of Inefficient Electric Motors
Industrial electric motors’ effective lifetime ranges between 20 to 40 years, locking in their inefficiency. It is critical to accelerate the replacement of the installed base of inefficient motors to significantly reduce energy demand and carbon emissions.
Electric Motors Repair
Considerable energy can be saved through upgrading repair practices. When carried out in accordance with industry best practices, the repaired motor should perform at least as well as the original one. Typical poor repair practices relate to inadequate equipment, processes and knowhow and missing quality standards.
End-user Education
Many end-users are unaware of or lack the tools to assess the economic benefits of improving the energy efficiency of electric motors within their plant. It is important to equip end-users with the means to compile the evidence they need to make a business case for change.
Strengthening Local Supply Chains
Many local manufacturers in emerging and developing countries lack access to technology for designing and manufacturing high-efficiency motors. Supporting local manufacturers in upgrading their capabilities enables the acceleration of high-efficiency motor markets.
Enhanced energy-efficiency regulations could reduce global electricity demand for electric motors by 24% in agriculture, buildings, and industry. (Source:
Electric motors and motor-driven systems consume over 50% of the world's electricity.
To help reduce CO2 emissions by reducing electricity losses of electric motors in key end-use sectors.
The share of motor systems could increase by 5 to 10 percentage points by 2040 as more of the transportation sector is electrified, fossil fuel-fired boilers transition to heat pumps in buildings and industry, and the number of domestic appliances expands around the world. (Source: IEA data)
MEGA Partners
The Motors Efficiency Global Alliance (MEGA) is a public-private partnership, founded in 2022 by the International Copper Association (ICA), the Carbon Trust, the International Energy Agency (IEA), Sustainable Energy for All (SEforAll), the United Nations Environment Programme – United for Efficiency (U4E), and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).